Best Dental Crowns and Dental Bridges in Delhi

What are Dental Crowns and Dental Bridges?

A dazzling smile radiates confidence. This confidence can be hampered if you have a missing or chipped tooth.

Some of the best alternatives available for you are dental crowns and dental bridges. Both of these are prosthetic devices that can help you get that perfect smile.

Oftentimes, these two terms are used interchangeably, but there is a small distinction between dental crowns and dental bridges.

Best Dental Crowns in Delhi

So, What Exactly is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown is a fake prosthetic tooth composed of materials such as porcelain, metal and ceramic that is placed on top of a broken or chipped tooth. It can be customised to properly fit according to your mouth and improve your smile.

What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge, on the other hand, is another type of prosthetic device used to bridge the space between two teeth. This is often done when a patient has a lost tooth between two intact teeth or has a few missing teeth.

When are dental crowns and dental bridges required?

When a tooth is damaged or chipped, or if there is a dental fracture, a dental crown is usually used for the restoration. Tooth damage is quite frequent, and when it occurs, the teeth lose their natural form and size. Dental crowns are like dental caps put on broken or damaged teeth in order to improve their overall look and functionality.

A dental bridge, on the other hand, is an artificial tooth securely fitted between two healthy teeth. When a tooth is lost or you are unable to wear dentures, a dental bridge can be quite beneficial. A dental bridge helps in permanent restoration and can also be used to replace several lost teeth.

What are the Different Kinds of Dental Crowns and Bridges?

Dental crowns can be manufactured from several materials, some of which are listed below.

  • The most common alternative for dental crowns is all-ceramic or all-porcelain material for manufacturing the best dental crown in Delhi. These types of dental crowns seem very natural and have the same colour as real teeth. These might be an excellent choice for those who are allergic to metals. They are as strong as metallic ones and come with a breakage resistance warranty making them one of the best options for dental crowns.
  • Another common material is porcelain fused with metal. Because of its colour, porcelain closely resembles natural teeth. There is a major concern with these types of crowns, which is the chances of porcelain shattering. This can cause aesthetic concerns and look bad.
  • Metal is another common material. Gold, palladium, nickel, chromium, and other non-toxic metals are utilised for this. The metal crown's sturdiness is one of its strongest features. However, because of cosmetic considerations, metal crowns are usually the least desirable alternative. Metal is typically not desired since it interferes with MRI and head scans.

There are several types of dental bridges available. Some of the most prevalent types of dental bridges on the market are as follows.

  • The most common dental bridges are conventional bridges. They are made of materials such as ceramic, porcelain and metal. They have one false tooth and two dental crowns on each side, which may be attached to an undamaged adjacent tooth.
  • Another alternative is cantilever bridges. They are constructed using porcelain and look almost identical to conventional bridges. This necessitates the patients to have one normal tooth next to the missing tooth.
  • Another example is Maryland bridges, which are also known as adhesive bridges. These bridges are less invasive than traditional bridges as the false tooth contains metal wings attached to the adjoining teeth.
  • Another form is the implant-supported bridge. Here the crowns are supported by dental implants that are put in the bone of the teeth. These are often used for the back teeth. This is the best option for individuals who have at least three missing molars.

Dental Crown and Dental Bridge Procedure:

The technique for placing dental crowns and dental bridges is similar:

  • Checkup: The first step is a thorough examination of the mouth. In this stage, the doctor scans your mouth in order to create customised crowns and bridges.
  • The fitting: The procedure for placing a dental crown or bridge might require numbing the mouth with anaesthesia so that you do not feel any discomfort.
  • In the case of a dental crown, if the damaged tooth has to be shaped, it is done before placing the crown. This aids in fitting the crown properly. Eventually, the dental crown is attached to the tooth with adhesive.
  • Dental bridges are also installed in a similar manner. Anaesthesia is used to numb the oral site where the dental bridge is to be put. The dentists then proceed with the implantation of the dental bridge, depending on the type of dental bridge chosen.

Why Choose Tooth Town Clinic for the Best Dental Crowns and Dental Bridges in Delhi?

Tooth Town Clinic offers the best dental crowns , Dental bridges in Delhi and Root Canal Treatment in Delhi.

It is a clinic fitted with all the latest infrastructure and gear. It guarantees that only the best equipment and standardised techniques are used. This clinic is a home for skilled dentists and a highly qualified team of specialists. Reasons to choose Tooth Town Clinic are:

  • Strictly adheres to hygiene protocols
  • Advanced machinery and equipment
  • Affordable treatment options.
  • Experienced dentists
  • A premium ambience and a comfortable treatment experience
  • Optimum aftercare

What is the Cost of Dental Crown in Delhi?

The tooth bridges and tooth crown in Delhi are not particularly expensive and are affordable by a wide range of people. The cost varies depending on factors such as:

  • The clinic's location
  • The duration of treatment and the number of sessions also affect the overall cost.
  • The surgeon's experience

The types of crowns or bridges chosen

Do's and Don’ts with Dental Crowns


  • Maintain good dental hygiene.
  • Eating soft and easily chewable foodstuff.
  • Get regular dental checkups


  • Avoid eating any sticky or chewy candy, like gum or caramel, since they might harm and pull the dental crown.
  • Do not chew on the side for a few days where the dental crown has been put.
  • Do not apply excessive pressure on the placement site.